

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 宝安区 公明街道 田寮社区 田荣路68号
  • 姓名: 杨贤钦
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证已认证 微信未绑定

    7英寸TFT液晶显示屏 TN型 800X480分辨率 亮度300 普清 数码屏

  • 所属行业:电子 LED/光电子 图形液晶显示模块
  • 发布日期:2018-03-30
  • 阅读量:409
  • 价格:68.00 元/PCS 起
  • 产品规格:800X480
  • 产品数量:10000.00 PCS
  • 包装说明:夹盒、泡棉及纸箱
  • 发货地址:广东深圳宝安区公明街道田寮社区  
  • 关键词:7英寸液晶屏,7英寸显示屏,7英寸TFT型液晶显示屏,7,inch,LCD

    7英寸TFT液晶显示屏 TN型 800X480分辨率 亮度300 普清 数码屏详细内容

    7英寸TFT液晶显示屏 普清
    1.0General Deion
    1.1 Introduction
    Display model is a color active matrix thin film transistor (TFT) liquid crystal
    display (LCD) that uses amorphous silicon TFT as a switching device. This model is composed of a TFT LCD
    panel and a driving circuit.This TFT LCD has a 7.0 (16:9) inch diagonally measured active display area with (800
    horizontal by480 vertical pixe l) resolution.
    1.2. Features
    7 (16:9 diagonal) inch configuration
    Compatible with NTSC & PAL system
    Image Reversion: UP/DOWN and LEFT/RIGHT
    ROHS design
    2.0 General Precaution
    2.1 Use Restriction
    This product is not authorized for use in life supporting systems, aircraft navigation control systems, military
    systems and any other application where performance failure could be life-threatening or otherwise
    2.2 Asembly Precaytton
    2.2.1 Please use the mounting hole on the module side in installing and do not bending or
    wrenching LCD in assembling. And please do not drop, bend or twist LCD module in
    2.2.2 Please design display housing in accordance with the following guide lines. Housing case must be destined carefully so as not to put stresses on LCD all
    sides and not to wrench module. The stresses may cause non-uniformity even if
    there is no non-uniformity statically. Keep sufficient clearance between LCD module back surface and housing when
    the LCD module is mounted. The clearance in the design is recommended
    taking into account the tolerance of LCD module thickness and mounting
    structure height on the housing.
    2.2.3 Please do not push or scratch LCD panel surface with any-thing hard. And do not soil
    LCD panel surface by touching with bare hands. ( Polarizer film, surface of LCD
    panel is easy to be flawed.)
    2.2.4 Please do not press any parts on the rear side such as source IC, gate IC, and FPC
    during handling LCD module. If pressing rear part is unavoidable, handle the LCD
    module with care not to damage them.
    2.2.5 Please wipe out LCD panel surface with absorbent cotton or soft cloth in case of it
    being soiled.
    2.2.6 Please wipe out drops of adhesives like saliva and water on LCD panel surface
    immediately. They might damage to cause panel surface variation and color change.
    2.2.7 Please do not take a LCD module to pieces and reconstruct it. Resolving and
    reconstructing modules may cause them not to work well.
    2.3 Disassembling or Modification
    Do not disassemble or modify the module. It may damage sensitive parts inside LCD
    module, and may cause scratches or dust on the display. HannStar does not warrant the
    module, if customers disassemble or modify the module.
    2.4 Breakage of LCD Panel
    2.4.1 If LCD panel is broken and liquid crystal spills out, do not ingest or inhale liquid
    crystal, and do not contact liquid crystal with skin.
    2.4.2 If liquid crystal contacts mouth or eyes, rinse out with water immediately.
    2.4.3 If liquid crystal contacts skin or cloths, wash it off immediately with alcohol and rinse
    thoroughly with water.
    2.4.4 Handle carefully with chips of glass that may cause injury, when the glass is broken.
    2.5 Absolute Maximum Ratings and Power Protection Circuit
    2.5.1 Do not exceed the absolute maximum rating values, such as the supply voltage
    variation, input voltage variation, variation in parts’ parameters, environmental
    temperature, etc., otherwise LCD module may be damaged.
    2.5.2 Please do not leave LCD module in the environment of high humidity and high
    temperature for a long time.
    2.5.3 It’s recommended employing protection circuit for power supply.
    2.6 Operation
    2.6.1 Do not touch, push or rub the polarizer with anything harder than HB pencil lead.Use
    fingerstalls of soft gloves in order to keep clean display quality, when persons handle
    the LCD module for incoming inspection or assembly.
    2.6.2 When the surface is dusty, please wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft
    2.6.3 Wipe off saliva or water drops as soon as possible. If saliva or water drops contact
    with polarizer for a long time, they may causes deformation or color fading.
    2.6.4 When cleaning the adhesives, please use absorbent cotton wetted with a little
    petroleum benzine or other adequate solvent.
    2.7 Static Electricity
    2.7.1 Protection film must remove very slowly from the surface of LCD module to prevent
    from electrostatic occurrence.
    2.7.2 Because LCD module uses CMOS-IC on TFT-LCD panel, it is very weak to
    electrostatic discharge. Please be careful with electrostatic discharge.
    2.7.3 Persons who handle the module should be grounded through adequate methods.
    2.8 Disposal
    When disposing LCD module, obey the local environmental regulations.
    2.9 OTHERS
    2.9.1 A strong incident light into LCD panel might cause display characteristics' changing
    inferior because of polarizer film, color filter, and other materials becoming inferior.
    Please do not expose LCD module direct sunlight land strong UV rays.
    2.9.2 Please pay attention to a panel side of LCD module not to contact with other
    materials in preserving it alone.
    2.9.3 For the packaging box, please pay attention to the followings: Packaging box and inner case for LCD are designed to protect the LCDs from
    the damage or scratching during transportation. Please do not open except
    picking LCDs up from the box. Please do not pile them up more than 6 boxes. (They are not designed so.) And
    please do not turn over. Please handle packaging box with care not to give them sudden shock and
    vibrations. And also please do not throw them up. Packing box and inner case for LCDs are made of cardboard. So please pay
    attention not to get them wet. (Such like keeping them in high humidity or wet
    place can occur getting them wet.)
    欢迎来到深圳市阿美林电子科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省深圳市宝安区田荣路68号,老板是杨贤钦。 主要经营LCD液晶显示屏的研发、生产、销售及售后。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 本公司主营:LCD液晶屏,OLED液晶屏,TFT型液晶屏,TN型液晶屏,IPS型液晶屏,AMOLED型液晶屏等产品,是一家优秀的电子产品公司,拥有优秀的高中层管理队伍,他们在技术开发、市场营销、金融财务分析等方面拥有丰富的管理经验,选择我们,值得你信赖!